USB Power Supply Introduction


This stage installs the power supplies for the USB section of the board. This section is galvanically isolated from the rest of the board, with its own ground plane (the "USB ground"). Voltages measured in this stage are measured with respect to (WRT) this ground and NOT the "regular ground" of the rest of the board.

To paraphrase a famous city's motto:

"What happens in USB stays in USB!"

This stage installs the USB connection (with its 5 V bus) and the (very tiny) 3.3V regulator whch translates the PC's USB 5 volts to 3.3V for the Si570 of the next stage.

This stage will present the most difficult SMT soldering challenge to the builder; that voltage regulator is, indeed, tiny! The builder should undertake this stage BEFORE that third cup of coffee and take great pains to avoid launching the little chip off into space (never to be retrieved!)

(go directly to build notes)

USB Power Supply Schematic

(Resistor testpoints (hairpin, top, or left-hand lead), as physically installed on the board, are marked in the schematic with red dots)

USB Power Supplyschematic

(above schematic has clickable areas that can be used for navigation)

(go directly to build notes)

USB Power Supply Bill of Materials

Stage Bill of Materials

(resistor images and color codes courtesy of WIlfried, DL5SWB's R-Color Code program)

C014.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD475 475Ceramicvert USB Power Supply
C024.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD475 475Ceramicvert USB Power Supply
Cbl1USB-A to USB-B CableUser-Supplied  USB Power Supply
J01USB-B pcb jack (rt-angle) Jack-RA  USB Power Supply
U02LP2992AIM5-3.3V regulatorLFEA LFEASOT-23-5  USB Power Supply
C310.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripeSMT 1206  USB Power Supply
C320.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripeSMT 1206  USB Power Supply

USB Power Supply Summary Build Notes

USB Power Supply Detailed Build Notes

Bottom of the Board

USB Power Supply Bottom View

Install Bottomside (SMT) components

Pay careful attention to the 3.3V regulator. Pins 1 and 3 are at 5V; pin 2 is at ground and nestled snugly between pins 1 and 3.

Install Bottomside (SMT) components photo
U02LP2992AIM5-3.3V regulatorLFEA LFEASOT-23-5 
C310.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripeSMT 1206 
C320.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripeSMT 1206 

Top of the Board

USB Power Supply Top View

Install Topside Components

You will want to install the topside capacitors (at least) prior to attempting to solder the SMT parts on the underside (there are holes for the ceramic caps which could accidentally be clogged up if you begin with the SMT parts.

The 3.3V regulator is, indeed, very tiny. It is found in a rolled up and stapled bottom portion of an antistatic bag. You have to look very closely to find it. You do not want to do, as the author did, inadvertently toss the chip out with the little rolled up bag!

C014.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD475 475Ceramicvert
C024.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD475 475Ceramicvert
Cbl1USB-A to USB-B CableUser-Supplied 
J01USB-B pcb jack (rt-angle) Jack-RA 

USB Power Supply Completed Stage

Note: the builder in the case of the photo (Nils Brolund) opted to use a socket for mounting U4. No such socket is provided (or strictly necessary) for this kit.

Top of the Board

View of Completed Top

Bottom of the Board

View of Completed Bottom

USB Power Supply Testing


Test Setup

Measure resistances on the power rails to be sure there are no short circuits Resistance

Test Measurements

TestpointUnitsNominal ValueAuthor'sYours
Point "A":3.3V rail: R7 barrel to USB Grnd (G)> 100k130k_______
Point "B": USB 5V rail: R4 barrel to USB Ground (G)> 1M7M (and rising)_______

Voltage Test

Test Setup

Connect the USB cable to the PC and to the board.

Measure the USB voltages (with respect to the USB ground) at the point indicated on the graphic

Voltage Test

Test Measurements

TestpointUnitsNominal ValueAuthor'sYours
3.3V point (WRT USB Ground)V dc3.33.28_______
USB 5V (WRT USB Ground)V dc55.01_______
USB (+5 & gnd) from PC +3.3V dc to Local Oscillator