Component Designations By Stage

This page provides a list of component designations (e.g., R1, C1, L1, etc.) and the stage in which the component appears under the designation.

The page is sorted by stage, then by component. To find a component by its designation, just use your browser's "FIND ON PAGE" function.

mtg_hdw4 X #4-40 hdw (nut, bolt, washer, spacer) (HDW)Power Supply   
C054.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475Power Supply   
C064.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475Power Supply   
J03DC Power Jack PCB Mount (rt-angle) (Jack-RA)Power Supply   
P1DC Power Plug 5.5/2.1mm Pos Ctr (Plug)Power Supply   
D031N4003 (Axial) - 1N4003Power Supply   
U06LM78L05 voltage regulator (TO-92) - LM78L05Power Supply   
PCBEnsemble RX PCB (board) (Main Board)Power Supply   
R1168 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - bl-gry-blk-gldPower Supply   
/QSD ENshunt wire (cut-off lead) (Cutoff)Power Supply   
Cbl2Power-Leads for 12V (User-Supplied)Power Supply   
Cbl1USB-A to USB-B Cable (User-Supplied)USB Power Supply   
C014.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475USB Power Supply   
C024.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475USB Power Supply   
C310.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeUSB Power Supply   
C320.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeUSB Power Supply   
J01USB-B pcb jack (rt-angle) (Jack-RA)USB Power Supply   
U02LP2992AIM5-3.3V regulator (SOT-23-5) - LFEAUSB Power Supply   
C030.01 uF (Ceramic) - 103Local Oscillator/Control   
C040.01 uF (Ceramic) - 103Local Oscillator/Control   
C300.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeLocal Oscillator/Control   
C330.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeLocal Oscillator/Control   
C340.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeLocal Oscillator/Control   
C350.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeLocal Oscillator/Control   
D01BZX55C3V3 3.3V zener diode (Axial) - BZX55CLocal Oscillator/Control   
D02BZX55C3V3 3.3V zener diode (Axial) - BZX55CLocal Oscillator/Control   
U01ATtiny 85-20 PU w/V15.12 Firmware (DIP 8) - AVR ATTINY85-20PULocal Oscillator/Control   
U04LTV-817 Opto-Isolator (DIP-4) - LTV 817Local Oscillator/Control   
U03Si570 Programmable Oscillator (I2C) - SiLabs 570Local Oscillator/Control   
T01-coreBN-43-2402 (no markings!) (Binocular core) - noneLocal Oscillator/Control   
T012T Bifilar #30 (4") on BN-43-2402 (Xfrmr)Local Oscillator/Control   
R0168 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - bl-gry-blk-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R0268 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - bl-gry-blk-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R032.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R052.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R062.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R072.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R082.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R282.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
R041 M 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-blk-grn-gldLocal Oscillator/Control   
SO18 pin dip socket (Socket)Local Oscillator/Control   
magwire30_8inMagnetic Wire, enameled #30 (Magnetic)Local Oscillator/Control   
C360.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeQuadrature Clock Generator   
U0574AC74 Dual D FF (SOIC-14) - 74AC74Quadrature Clock Generator   
R0910 k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-blk-ora-gldQuadrature Clock Generator   
R1010 k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-blk-ora-gldQuadrature Clock Generator   
C076m: trimmer capacitor 30 pF (Trimmer - green)
4m: trimmer capacitor 30 pF (Trimmer - green)
2m: trimmer capacitor 10 pF (Trimmer - white)
RF Front End   
C116m: 2.7 pF (Ceramic - 2.7J)
4m: 2.2 pF (Ceramic - 2.2)
2m: 1.2 pF (Ceramic - 1A)
RF Front End   
C136m: 150 pF 5% (Ceramic - 151 (may be blue or tan))
4m: 120 pF 5% (Ceramic - 121)
2m: 100 pF 5% (Ceramic - 101)
RF Front End   
C156m: 180 pF 5% (Ceramic - 181)
4m: 82 pF (Ceramic - 82J)
2m: 82 pF (Ceramic - 82J)
RF Front End   
C166m: 220 pF 5% (Ceramic - 221)
4m: 270 pF 5% (Ceramic - 271)
2m: 270 pF 5% (Ceramic - 271)
RF Front End   
L016m: 0.35uH 11T #26 on T25-6(yellow) (7") (Coil - yellow)
4m: 0.25 uH 9T #26 on T30-6 (yellow) (6") (Coil - yellow)
2m: 0.08uH 6T #26 on T25-12(green) (5") (Coil - green)
RF Front End   
L01_core6m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
4m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
2m: T25-12 toroid core (Toroid - green)
RF Front End   
L026m: 0.35uH 11T #26 on T25-6(yellow) (7") (Coil - yellow)
4m: 0.25 uH 9T #26 on T30-6 (yellow) (6") (Coil - yellow)
2m: 0.06 5T #26 on T25-12(green) (4") (Coil - green)
RF Front End   
L02_core6m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
4m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
2m: T25-12 toroid core (Toroid - green)
RF Front End   
L036m: 0.35uH 11T #26 on T25-6(yellow) (7") (Coil - yellow)
4m: 0.25 uH 9T #26 on T30-6 (yellow) (6") (Coil - yellow)
2m: 0.06 5T #26 on T25-12(green) (4") (Coil - green)
RF Front End   
L03_core6m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
4m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
2m: T25-12 toroid core (Toroid - green)
RF Front End   
L046m: 0.78 uH 17T #30 on T25-6 (yellow) (8") (Coil - yellow)
4m: 0.53 uH 14T #30 on T25-6 (10") (Coil - yellow)
2m: 0.53 uH 14T #30 on T25-6 (10") (Coil - yellow)
RF Front End   
L04_core6m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
4m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
2m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
RF Front End   
T026m: 0.53 uH 14T/2x7 bifilar #30 on T25-6(yellow) (8") (Xfrmr - yellow)
4m: 0.13uH 7T/2x4 bifilar #30 on T25-6(yellow) (6") (Xfrmr - yellow)
2m: 0.13uH 7T/2x4 bifilar #30 on T25-6(yellow) (6") (Xfrmr - yellow)
RF Front End   
T02-core6m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
4m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
2m: T25-6 toroid core (Toroid - yellow)
RF Front End   
C094.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475RF Front End   
C380.01 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt)RF Front End   
C400.01 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt)RF Front End   
C370.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeRF Front End   
C390.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeRF Front End   
C410.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeRF Front End   
C420.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeRF Front End   
C08trimmer capacitor 30 pF (Trimmer) - greenRF Front End   
C10trimmer capacitor 30 pF (Trimmer) - greenRF Front End   
C12trimmer capacitor 30 pF (Trimmer) - greenRF Front End   
C14unused capacitor (Unused)RF Front End   
J04BNC Connector Male - PCB mount (Jack)RF Front End   
D041N5227B (Axial) - 1N5227BRF Front End   
U07ADM +DB Double-balanced Mixer (SMT Mixer) - ADERF Front End   
L05unused inductor (Coil)RF Front End   
L05_coreunused inductor (Coil)RF Front End   
R1333 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - ora-ora-blk-gldRF Front End   
R2747 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - yel-vio-blk-gldRF Front End   
R14120 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-red-brn-gldRF Front End   
R152.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldRF Front End   
R182.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldRF Front End   
R192.2k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - red-red-red-gldRF Front End   
R1210 k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-blk-ora-gldRF Front End   
Q01BF991 SMT Dual-Gate MOSFET (SOT-143)RF Front End   
Magwire26_31inMagnetic Wire, enameled #26 (Magnetic)RF Front End   
magwire30_40inMagnetic Wire, enameled #30 (Magnetic)RF Front End   
C170.047 uF 5% (Ceramic) - 473Quadrature Sampling Detector   
C180.047 uF 5% (Ceramic) - 473Quadrature Sampling Detector   
C430.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeQuadrature Sampling Detector   
C440.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeQuadrature Sampling Detector   
U08FST3253 mux/demux switch (SOIC-16) - FST3253Quadrature Sampling Detector   
R1610 ohm 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - br-blk-blk-gld-brQuadrature Sampling Detector   
R1710 ohm 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - br-blk-blk-gld-brQuadrature Sampling Detector   
R2110 ohm 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - br-blk-blk-gld-brQuadrature Sampling Detector   
R2210 ohm 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - br-blk-blk-gld-brQuadrature Sampling Detector   
R2010 k 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-blk-ora-gldQuadrature Sampling Detector   
C20390 pF 5% (Ceramic) - 391Operational Amplifiers   
C21390 pF 5% (Ceramic) - 391Operational Amplifiers   
C194.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD (Ceramic) - 475Operational Amplifiers   
C450.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeOperational Amplifiers   
C460.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeOperational Amplifiers   
C470.1 uF (SMT 1206) - (smt) black stripeOperational Amplifiers   
J023.5mm stereo jack - PCB mount (rt-angle) (Jack-RA)Operational Amplifiers   
U09LT6231 dual op-amp (SOIC-8) - LT6231Operational Amplifiers   
R234.99 k 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - y-w-w-br-brOperational Amplifiers   
R244.99 k 1/4W 1% (1/4W) - y-w-w-br-brOperational Amplifiers   
R25120 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-red-brn-gldOperational Amplifiers   
R26120 1/6W 5% (1/6W) - brn-red-brn-gldOperational Amplifiers   
Rb10 k Test Resistor (User-Supplied)Operational Amplifiers   
JP1Ashunt wire (cut-off lead) (Cutoff)Operational Amplifiers   
JP1Bshunt wire (cut-off lead) (Cutoff)Operational Amplifiers   
AntVHF Antenna (User-Supplied)External Connections   
Cbl31/8" M-M Stereo Audio Shld Cable (User-Supplied)External Connections   
Cbl4Antenna Cable w/BNC (User-Supplied)External Connections